Sep 12Liked by Taylor Randal

Thank you for sharing :) I feel like the older I get and the more money I make there’s always financial stress in some form and I feel like finding the balance of making yourself happy now and looking to the future we are all grappling with :) But being grounded and in your element will always benefit you in the short and long run :)

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Sep 12Liked by Taylor Randal

This was so good this week! Coming off 3 years of constant financial stress I know the feelings you’re feeling. Enjoy those baths and enjoy that loving!

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"How can my higher self come in if my brain won’t stop looping?"

"If I always make it work and figure it out, why roll in the stress?"

I felt those two shoot straight into my soul. I completely understand and am in the same place friend. These seeds will bloom soon!

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Sep 13Liked by Taylor Randal

this resonates so much!!! somehow when you have your rituals everything feels possible but it;s so easy to have them get away from you. I love hearing about your cabin life!

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Sep 16Liked by Taylor Randal

Sounds like the first year going on three now, moving into my current house. I think I struggle with the weight around me.. the responsibility of the structure.. all of the rooms with which I am supposed to have the energy to maintain & balance .. My thought while reading your blog entry was that perhaps the routines you are trying to return to look different in this place.

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Sep 14Liked by Taylor Randal

Thanks so much. This resonates deeply this morning. Hope you can get back to your morning rituals soon. Be gentle with yourself!

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Also, I used to do a work trade on a farm as well and look back to that time of my life fondly. Finding time for myself back then also came much more easily, and I tend to think I was much happier, as I was much less stressed at that time, too. But I also acknowledge that was a chapter, and this chapter has other lessons for me to learn now.

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Sep 13·edited Sep 13

Thank you much for sharing. It’s easy to see life from the view of Instagram and think that everyone else has it figured out. Easy to view and desire anyone else’s life, forgetting what we do indeed have. We each all have our individual struggles, too. I of course, think your life looks a dream cause what I would GIVE to have ample time to sew all day! Humbling to read your story. Thank you

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I'm struggling to pay bills while working an 8-6 job I hate where I'm forced to sit at a desk all day. By the time I get home I'm too tired to enjoy one of my past hobbies or take a walk or even bathe sometimes. I have health issues that seem to just be getting worse which means more medicine and more money. I know you are struggling too but your life sounds like a dream to me. I guess the grass always looks greener and all that.

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this is a strange thing to post when someone is being vulnerable about their own struggles, to say that it seems like a dream to you is diminishing and self centered. you can relate to not feeling like you’re in a great place but it’s not a competition

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That's not at all how I meant it but if you interpreted it that way, that's on you. I was also being vulnerable. Life is hard. We are all struggling.

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